Aphid Alert: Protect Your Peach and Plum Trees Now!

 Aphid Alert: Protect Your Peach and Plum Trees Now!

Peach and plum trees may look lifeless right now, but their swelling buds signal new growth. However, gardeners should watch out for aphids, which can cause serious damage by curling and twisting leaves beyond recognition.

Aphids attack as buds swell, making now the perfect time to spray systemic insecticides. An effective option is Rogor, mixed at 1.5 ml per liter of water. Spraying before leaves sprout helps kill aphid eggs before they hatch.

A second spray after a week or ten days ensures better protection. If any part of the plant is missed, aphids could still spread. Timely treatment can prevent long-term damage.

It’s also crunch time for planting these trees. They should be planted while dormant; once they sprout, transplanting risks high mortality. Early ripening peach varieties are preferable as they avoid fruit fly infestation.

Another mystery gardeners face is when trees bloom but fail to bear fruit. This happens when hill varieties are planted in plains. They need more chilling hours, which plains can’t provide, leading to abundant flowers but no fruit.

For best results, choose varieties meant for your region. With proper care and timely action, gardeners can enjoy healthy, fruitful peach and plum trees!

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